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How to make a vision board

Let's learn how to make a simple vision board for the beginning of year or whenever you want to start, it doesn't matter. Let's dream!

What's a vision board?

It's a visual representation of your goals. The purpose of a vision board is to clarify what your goals are and remind you of them. It's for motivation, not frustration!

1. Where to make the board

You can use a corkboard, notebook, grid board, poster board, PC desktop or phone wallpaper, etc. It can be physical or digital or both. You can have a physical version to have up in your room but also a digital one for you computer. Choose your canvas, this is where you are going to place your inspiration!

2. Find your inspiration

Look for images and/or words you want to bring into your life. You can use tools like Pinterest, Google or magazines. Example: If you want to start eating better look for plates that show what you want. It can be a plate of fruit or veggies according to where you want to start. Bring words in like "Strong", "Capable", "Determined". How do you want to feel? What do you want to be? What do you want to have?

3. Place them on your board

Here's where the fun part comes in! Print or cut out the images or download them and start organizing them on your board however you like. For digital ones: Use Canva or Photoshop, the usual size is 1920×1080 pixels. It's important to remember that there is no right way to doing this. Be creative or minimalist or colorful, it's up to you.

4. That's it?

Yes but no! You have your board but it's important to:
  • Always have it visible. It should be a reminder, so avoid putting it away or forgetting about it. 
  • At the end of the year go back and update your board. It's important to follow up on your plans to make adjustments and changes if necessary.
  • Don't give up! If everything does not come true IT'S OKAY, keep dreaming! This is not a guarantee that everything will come true but it's a tool to help you remember what your goals are.
There's this quote that my dad always says, hopefully it makes sense in English: "Any bus works for someone who doesn't know where they're going". Basically when you know where you're going you know what bus to take or in other words you know what decisions to make.
We hope your vision board helps you know what but to take!

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