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Bujo essentials: For beginners

bullet journaling product reviews

Want to start your own bullet journal? Check out these basic essentials you can review to start off. (Click the image to see the product!)

Let's start with a notebook

It's pretty obvious but it's the most important part: Choosing a notebook or journal to use. Choose dotted pages for creative freedom! But you can also find lined or blank pages. An elastic band helps the notebook stay closed, even if you have done some scrapbooking inside so it can be very useful.
PRO TIP: GSM is the paperweight which means that the greater the number, the thicker it will be.

Next is, choosing a pen

It's important to find a comfortable and smooth pen for basic everyday use. This might mean testing various pens until finding one. It's good to have various tip sizes to learn from, very thin tips will be good for details and thicker tips can be good for titles or bulky lettering. 

Now some markers

Markers will be great for adding color to your themes. Look for a good marker that does not make ink smudge so you can use with pens without problem. If you don't know where to start you can go for the basic colors and/or light-pastel colors.
We recommend: Zebra Mildliner Double Sided Highlighters (Check out the variety of colors we have available)

Brush pen time

If you want to start practicing lettering it's good to start with a hard tip brush pen to get some practice. There is also a soft tip which just means the tip is more flexible so you have more control over how thick or thin is will be. 

Yes! Masking tape/Washi tape

Add colorful flair and design to your journal with masking tape. You can choose a variety of colors, textures, patterns, and sizes. And of course we recommend starting with basic colors while you get familiar with it. But don't be afraid to get different designs and patterns, have fun with it!

Stickers to cheer up the day

If you don't want to do a lot of drawing or want to add special details use stickers! You can have a cosmology theme with these! You can choose a theme for each month, if you want to have a flower theme for March then you can look for flower stickers and decorate with those.

Basic but necessary pencil

It's a good idea to sketch out your bujo theme! It will help you measure spacing, move things around, make changes before making it permanent. For this you will need a good pencil and try using a thin tip and light writing to make it easier when it's time to erase.

Now correction tape

Making mistakes is normal so it's good to be prepared. Choose a good-quality eraser and/or correction tape to fix any type of error. Correct tape covers any permanent mistake and when it dries you can write over it.

Trust me, you'll need a desk organizer

You'll need some materials at hand so for easy access on your desk it's good to have the essentials in a pen holder. This may seem a bit extra but trust me, you don't want to be thinking where you left your favorite pen, where your good eraser is.

Last but not least, a pencil case

Whether you're traveling or want to enjoy bullet journaling outside you'll need a good pencil case. Make sure it has various sized pockets and compartments for different types of items. And I mean, look at how cute this pencil case is!
Now that you have your items selected you are more than ready to get creative!
Remember: Practice makes progress - It's good to get inspired by others when you are starting off and don't let frustration get in the way, if you don't like how something turned out, try again. 
Go for it!

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